Goldfish is undoubtedly the most popular species in the aquarium industry for the great diversity of colors and shapes it can have, in fact there are orange, red, yellow, black or white specimens. Some varieties have a more elongated body and others more rounded, as well as the caudal fins, which can be bilobed, veiled or pointed, among other shapes.
Origin of Goldfish
For a long time, Chinese emperors managed to preserve their sacred fish within their country, but as early as the 16th century the golden fish reached Korea, Japan and Indonesia. As a result of the selection work of Japanese lovers, new breeds of these fish of different colors and species appeared.

Goldfish Breeding
Goldfish produce a large splash during mating, which occurs before conception and usually when the light is off. The next thing you will notice, there will be thousands of eggs scattered all over the place, sticking to the plants, the aquarium walls and the aquarium filter.
Move all the fish to another aquarium, and leave only the eggs in the aquarium, also avoid changing the water if you do not change the amount of water.
The only reliable way to know the sex is to do a comparative analysis between the male and the female, to find the presence of white spots that appear on the fin and brachia. However, this can only be seen during the mating season, so to know its sex, you will need to wait at least 10 months for the fish to mature.
Goldfish are tough consumers and are considered the most voracious aquarium fish. They will eat until they are full, and if you decide to add food, they will continue to eat until puffed up. This is usually one of the reasons that leads to death.

The ideal time to feed goldfish would be twice a day, this way the fish will feel full longer and digest more easily. In addition, young goldfish can eat even more often, that is, three times a day.
As for the dose and how much goldfish eat, however, you will have to learn to adjust with time. Take some of the mush you made and drop it into the aquarium. Wait exactly 3 to 5 minutes and you will see that a little bit of safety progresses. Slowly, adjust with the dose so that there is no food residue in the aquarium. Be careful not to overdo the doses: it hurts the goldfish and also the aquarium will start to get dirty.
In the case of industrial flake food it is even simpler, because both how many times and how much to feed the goldfish is indicated on the package.
However, to keep the digestive system healthy, it is advisable to fast the goldfish once a week, although in case of doubt we always recommend the advice of a veterinarian.

What do newborn goldfish eat?
Newborn goldfish (fry) are advised to give industrial goldfish food until they are 1 year old. From then on, you can give them higher quality food of animal and plant origin to make sure they develop well.
If, on the other hand, you want to keep newborn goldfish on a natural diet, keep in mind that the fry need more protein, so when you prepare the food for goldfish, make sure that 2/3 are made up of food of animal origin.
There are at least 20 species, which are divided by delicate fans moving slowly to normal and strong creatures. The fish come from the same family, that is, if they are left together in the same aquarium, they scratch and produce offspring.

Goldfish Lifespan
Goldfish can live up to 20 years as long as you take good care of them. The most important moment is the guarantee that they will live a long time, thanks to the supply of quality water, just what they need. This is a cold water fish, not a tropical species, and the proper temperature for them should be 18-22 degrees, and the hydrogen level, 7.5.
Check the nitrite level and lower it to make sure your fish is healthy. Therefore, it is very important to have a test suite for the hydrogen level.
Goldfish can grow to large sizes, almost 0.3 meters long, including fins, and you can see the big fish sold at the pet store, you know, it is actually juvenile in your aquarium. Therefore, never put them in an aquarium. It is advisable to buy a 208 liter aquarium, where only a couple of goldfish will fit.

Goldfish, (Carassius auratus), decorative aquarium and lake fish of the carp family (Cyprinidae) local to East Asia yet brought into numerous different territories. The goldfish takes after the carp (Cyprinus carpio) yet contrasts from its relative in having no mouth barbels. It was trained by the Chinese in any event as right on time as the Sung administration (960–1279).
The goldfish is normally greenish-earthy colored or dark. The species, in any case, is variable, and various irregularities happen. A degenerate fish might be dark, spotted, brilliant, white, or white with silver; it might have a trilobed tail blade or projecting eyes; or it might do not have the typically long dorsal balance. Hundreds of years of choosing out and rearing such anomalous examples have created more than 125 types of goldfish, including the normal, pet-shop comet; the cover tail, with a three-lobed, streaming tail; the lion head, with a swollen "hood" on the head; and the heavenly, with projecting, upward-coordinated eyes.

The goldfish is omnivorous, benefiting from plants and little creatures. In bondage it excels on little shellfish, and the eating routine might be enhanced with cleaved mosquito hatchlings, oat, and different nourishments.
Producing happens in spring or summer. As the season draws near, hues become more splendid, the midsection of the female augments, and the male may create pinhead-sized tubercles on the gill covers, back, and pectoral blades. The eggs stick to water plants until incubating about seven days after the fact. Pet goldfish have been known to live 25 years; the normal life expectancy, nonetheless, is a lot shorter.
Getting away from park and nursery pools, the goldfish has gotten naturalized in numerous zones of the eastern United States. After continuing natural life, it returns to its unique shading and may develop from an aquarium size of around 5–10 centimeters (2–4 inches) to a length of up to 30 centimeters.

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